
Bones Of Phil

What is this for?

This website is a place I use to talk about random things, like videogames, music, art, etc. I hope to update this weekly although I know I will forget, theres not much too this place yet. Soon however it should be very nice and something just for me and whoever finds this place!

I've decided to update this website MONTHLY instead of weekly (which is what I had previously planned). I realised that my ADHD makes it hard to keep this in check and updated every week, so monthly should be much easier for me to remember. It should be updated in atleast the first week of every month. If it's small or I didn't update, I will give a reason why the week after (or when I remember lol).

You can look at the Posts page to see what I've been up to recently.

Check the links up top or on the side bar for any kind of update or for quick links.